Innovate, develop yourself, be a protagonist, enjoy yourself.

At Copreci we believe in the talent of people to
continue innovating in technological solutions.


Our commitment to people

Water, fire, earth, air. Elements that give life to people, society and the planet, generating unique experiences. Copreci is at the heart of your appliance. Copreci is life.

Job offers

Open selection processes


Why work at COPRECI?

1. Be a protagonist

We are a participatory business model with full protagonism of individuals.

Come with us to sketch our ambition. You will have the opportunity to, firsthand, build an ambitious socio-economic project and be part of this collective of committed and self-demanding individuals.

2. Develop yourself in a solid company

We offer you the opportunity to grow with us in a multicultural company with a cooperative leadership style, working as a team and caring for the common good, with high participation, learning and autonomy systems.

Come and be part of our agile and dynamic organization that in 60 years has developed a deep knowledge of the market and a know-how... And, with the muscle to keep going for another 60.

3. Participate in building

A fair and equitable society. A planet to care for. We create wealth and drive community development in our environment with economic, environmental, and social initiatives wherever we are present.

You will help build a project that grows economically following social, ecological, cultural, democratic and solidarity standards. You will have the opportunity not only to be part of an organization that promotes environmental development initiatives, but also to actively collaborate in these initiatives.

If you have a training in electronics or higher-level training...


Innovate with us in the search for technological solutions: learn by "tinkering".

Inductions, electronic controls and circuits and different performances through connectivity. Our experience of more than 30 years has led us to be one of the leaders in the development and manufacture of induction cookers in Europe. In our catalogue we have modular and flexible designs, which integrate new elements and functions around the cooking as the FlowIn system, as well as new features through the connectivity of the induction hob with other devices.

Innovate with us and learn from expert electronics developers. We appreciate people with an innovative and creative spirit, who think "outside the box" and are not afraid to make mistakes or try different designs, solutions and tools. You will be surrounded by expert electronics developers and learn as much as you want.

Participate in the design of the experience we want to offer to the end user. Copreci, we design induction cooktops from scratch. We have integrated the electronic hardware and software design, as well as all the electronics (including power electronics) of an induction cooktop. You will have the satisfaction of seeing the product you designed in action... and imagining the experience you have helped to provide... a safe, efficient, and healthy cooking experience.

We explore new business models based on digitalization to offer not only products, but services with differential values, leveraged on digital technology. At Copreci, beyond the design and manufacture of induction cooktops, we explore new business opportunities, leveraging on our traditional business: integrated and interconnected services with digital technology.

Higher Training Cycle in the industrial area

We are a solid and forward-thinking company where seriousness and rigor are highly valued. We offer you the opportunity to professionally develop yourself with technologically advanced resources and a high level of innovation in processes, to lead and manage ambitious projects. You will be the protagonist of your development.

In first person

"I work in a very lively and dynamic cooperative. We are pioneers from a management point of view: we also innovate in management models".
Elisa Uribetxeberria
Motor and Pump Applications business Manager
"I am part of a cooperative committed to the planet. I am fortunate to be living the transformation towards sustainability at Copreci; for example, I am participating in the calculation and reduction of the Carbon Footprint of the entire Group."
Irati Abaunz
Quality Assurance Manager
"At Copreci safety, ergonomics, order and cleanliness matter. I have a safe and clean work environment."
Aser Sanchez
Semiautomatic Installation Professional
"I feel that they give me autonomy and this allows me to self-manage and develop professionally."
Aintzane Gantxegi
IT Functional Analyst
At Copreci I have found a very good working environment and my colleagues are always willing to help. This and Copreci's commitment to Share Work Learning or to make the Dual modality possible, allows us to put into practice what we have learned in school and to continue learning.
Asier Estivariz, R+D+I Department
Alaine Iraola, People Department
Iker Heriz, Engineering Department
Ibai Lasagabaster, Laboratory