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Smart Cooking: Gas + Electronics

Smart Cooking: Gas + Electronics

  • icono_instantaneidad

    The flame ignites almost instantly.

  • icono_seis_horas_bloqueo

    Six hour safety switch-off
    The system completely switches off after 6 hours without use.

  • icono_temporizador

    Timer function
    Specific cooking times can be set; once the time has elapsed the flame is extinguished and a sound indicates that the programme has been completed.

  • icono_seguridad_ninos

    Children's safety lock
    This function blocks the control panel to prevent accidents.

  • icono_indicadores_led

    LED indicators
    Provide continuous information about the status of the gas hob.

  • icono_ajuste_caudal

    Electronic flow adjustment
    Enables the user to accurately adjust the gas flow in the appliance and consequently have full control over the cooking process.

  • icono_reinicio_automatico

    Automatic self-ignition
    If the flame blows out for any reason, the system automatically reignites it.

  • icono_parada_emergencia

    Emergency stop
    In the event of an emergency, all of the burners can be switched off at the same time.

  • icono_simmering

    System that switches the flame on and off intermittently to cook at a low temperature, perfect for melting chocolate, for example.