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T-10/ T-15 /T-25 series

This family of valves has been designed to meet the different requirements of the PORTABLE HEATER FOR CAMPING sector.

They are push-button valves, with thermoelectric interlocks and certified for the international market (CE, CSA...).


Usage temperature: 0 -80 ºC.

Max. pressure for NG at 20 mbar:

  • T-10: 8 kW (30,000 Btu/h)
  • T-15: 12 kW (40,000 Btu/h)
  • T-25: 25 kW (85,000 Btu/h)

These valves have been designed to be used with 1 or 2 outlets.

The valve inlet and outlet connections are suitable for any type of coupling.

The button is suitable for any design.


Catalytic / Infrared / Camping heaters.