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CAM 490 brass series

The CAM 490 gas valves series are design to be used in gas grills. There are different series depending on the final application:

  • 49010 series - straight outlet
  • 49017 series - 17º outlet
  • 49020 series - 20º outlet
  • 49040 series - 40º outlet
  • 49050 series - 50º outlet
  • 49070 series - 70º outlet
  • 49080 series - 80º outlet
  • 49090 series - 2 outlets at 90º (3 ways)

Variable flow max. for LP 35,000 BTUs and for Natural Gas 25,000 BTUs.

Counter clockwise opening valve by means of a pushing to start rotation (safety) and a mechanical limit of the spindle.

0° at 70° and 90° max. opening, with or without detent and rotation limit at the end.

Turns from 70°, 90° up to 270°, clicking possible.

Dual valve: just one system for both NG/LP gas (NG at 210° and LP at 270°).

Max. operating temperature: 150°C.

Rotation diagram according to customers needs.

Pressure: LP 11” WC and Natural Gas 7” WC (other pressures for Europe and Mexico markets).


Gas grill, built in gas grills.